What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction is a men’s sexual health condition where a man has trouble reaching and/or maintaining an erection. This condition is most commonly seen in men above the age of 40; however, it occurs in men of all ages and is very common.  ED occurs when internal systems and external stimulants do not work together in arousal situations. Due to the array of ED causes and the wide range of ages affected, we provide several treatment options.

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

Though the rate of men experiencing erectile dysfunction increases with age, ED can affect men of every age. Like your favorite muscle car, male arousal depends on many systems operating together: the brain, nervous system, cardiovascular system, hormones, and even emotions all play a role in stimulating and exciting men in sexual situations. ED can happen if blood flow to the penis is limited as a result of, for example, nerve damage. Stress, hormonal changes, relationship problems, and mental health issues may also cause ED. Since there are so many contributing factors to ED, the condition can and often does affect every man at one time or another.

How Common Is ED?

ED is quite common, affecting as many as 50% of all men aged 40 and above, and this percentage increases as men get older. If you believe you are suffering from ED, you are not alone and should not be nervous to discuss it. Always remember that there are millions of other men who are in the same position and that treatment options are available to you.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction?

Signs and symptoms of ED include:

  • Difficulty achieving an erection
  • Trouble maintaining an erection long enough for intercourse
  • Erections are not firm enough for penetration
  • Reduced or a complete lack of sexual desire
  • Inability to ejaculate

Because these symptoms can be caused by a range of circumstances, from the basic (such as having “too much to drink” at a party) to the complex (heart disease or systemic vascular disease), it is generally recommended that any man experiencing repeated erectile dysfunction seek the advice of a qualified medical professional.

What Treatment Options Exist for ED?

Since each patient’s situation or condition varies when it comes to the cause of ED, there is also a wide range of treatment options. Some treatments are simple and direct, including medications or stress relief therapies; others require more serious treatment as part of a comprehensive health plan administered by a general practitioner.

At Inspire Healthcare Services, identifying the most convenient and comfortable source for your relief and remedy is what we prioritize. Our providers can help you find the right men’s health plans that meet your individual needs.